The Idiot Speaks

Sunday, June 27, 2004

B and I went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 yesterday.

If you've had your eyes and ears open for the last 4 years there isn't going to be any new information presented. It was a little overwhelming to see the last four years of G.W.'s presidency wrapped into a nice two hour package. I'm not going to give a review of the film, but I do recommend that you see it. However, there are two scenes in particular that I can't seem to shake.

I recently read Bob Woodward's book, Plan Of Attack, and he describes the mood and meetings that are going on in the White House the night of March 19th 2003 when the president gave the order to bomb a farm south of Baghdad where the CIA felt Saddam Hussein, his sons, and their families where sleeping for the night. Woodward writes that Gerson, Bush's speech writer, felt Bush looked "...subdued and a little pale" and "a little bit burdened by all of this" about 30 minutes before the giving the speech that combat operations are starting. In Moore's film, he shows the tape of the few minutes before Bush gives this speech on March 19th. Bush is making faces at the people in the room and acting rather jovial. He doesn't look "subdued" or "burdened" at all. I'm starting to question some of the information that Woodward was given.

The second scene that I can't seem to shake is when Bush is told that the WTC has been hit and that we are "under attack". Strip away all the music and the voice over that Moore added, and you just can't help but notice...Bush is confused. At least for the seven minutes that he sat there with the children in the classroom, he does look he doesn't know what to do. Maybe I'm asking too much from a president, but I'd like to believe that most people would have told the children in the classroom that they should keep reading and that the president needs to take care of some business, walk outside, and get to fucking work!


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