It seems that Iran had fallen off the map for a while. Does that mean that we've forgotten about the 9/11 commission report already?
I missed Obama Barak's speech at the Democratic convention last night, but I heard that it was exceptional. From what I've read, Mr. Barak was very inclusive and energizing. I did catch Bill Clinton's speak on Monday night. I don't know if it's because I've been subjected to GW's sophomoric speaking style (you see?), but in my opinion Bill knocked it out of the park. Eloquent.
Tonight John Edwards is slated to speak. I haven't heard a full speech of his. I'm looking forward to hearing his "Two Americas" speech.
Speaking of John Edwards, I had an argument with a couple of doctors last night about the effect of malpractice lawsuits on the price of their insurance premiums and the cost of health care. I have yet to see anyone present me with some statistics showing the correlation between malpractice jury awards and the cost of health care. I have seen that malpractice awards have been capped in California since the 1970's (proposition 139 was it?) yet insurance premiums did not go down until 1988 when the California legislature passed sweeping insurance reform.
SudoNimm says -
You should search out a copy of Barak Obama's speech on the interweb. It's well worth the effort - better (by several degrees, IMHO) than even Clinton's. This guy even had Bob Dole and the Fox News pundits choked up and singing his praises afterwards.
Anonymous, at July 29, 2004 at 1:58 PM
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