There hasn't been anything exciting to write about lately, or I should say, I haven't been excited about anything in the last couple of weeks.
I'm working for the Legislature again, so I'm going to start posting all the rumors I hear around that place. It should be a fun session with school finance and workman's compensation set for debate.
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She let her gaze trail slowly up the smooth, bare skin of his legs. Most of Jaraks men were stationed closely around the womens tower and the central court. He made no secret that he could read any mind he chose, elvenborn or elvenchanged. Thought perhaps Brevin would drop his pants and let Lanthan fuck him. They deserved to find comfort. He came up beside her, extinguishing the magelight. Since the wrestling match, shed managed to keep herself busy and mostly isolated. He cupped her chin, gazing into her eyes. Eyrhaens here, he announced quietly to the room, waving for her to pass by him. All she wanted to do was run screaming or shove hot pokers in her eyes. Her righteous rage dimmed, however, when she saw him flinch. At the end of her rope, Eyrhaen rushed for the door. It would be strange if she did. He stroked gentle fingertips along her jaw. Her breath caught, the tiny, virgin bud of her ass clenching at the thought. Behind her, Tykir nestled close, his cheek resting on the back of her shoulder. She shrugged, sidestepping to lower herself to the edge of one of two couches. My infertility is mine alone, due to my time between realms. As shed known she would, she melted. No more magic than whats natural?
Anonymous, at February 28, 2010 at 1:47 PM
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