The Idiot Speaks

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Zell Miller, "Democrat" from Georgia (who's speaking at the Republican convention) was on Meet the Press this morning. Here's some highlights (these aren't exact transcripts):

Miller: If John Kerry had his way in the 1980's, there would still be a Soviet Union and a Berlin wall, because he voted against all the weapons systems that Ronald Reagan wanted to build. (Russert doesn't call out this lie, but...)

Russert: Senator Miller, you have exactly the same voting record at John Kerry on those weapons systems throughout the eighties.

Miller: Pfft, well, ahhh...

That's just one gem. Later he started hammering on Kerry about gay marriage and flag burning. Russert brought up the fact that 3 other speakers (Arnold, Guiliani, McCain) are against the banning of gay marriage, are pro-choice, etc. Miller responded much the same way as before when presented with facts. I'm glad that Miller isn't running again.


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